This example form is using the RSForm!Pro Payment Package plugin, which comes with PayPal v1 installed by default. You can download it from here, and restore it on your installatin as explained here.
If you require a different payment method, such as Stripe, iDeal, PayPal v2 and so on, you will need to install these as well.
You can only use one Single Product field, but you can configure more Multiple Products fields as seen below. You can also configure a Quantity for this type of field.
You can use multiple Quantity fields and select which payment field the quantity is attached to. This will multiply the payment field's value by the quantity specified in this field.
You can change the above Product fields frontend display through the 'Product Price Mask' option located in the RSForm!Pro > Configuration > Payment tab. You can use the following placeholders to define a price mask for your multiple products fields: {product}, {price} and {currency}. You can place them in any order you like, and separate them by any characters or text. The multiple product fields' items will be generated based on this price mask.
You can type in the amount to be paid. A default value can also be set and, using HMTL attributes, you can render the field as readonly in order to have a fixed value for the donation (by adding readonly="readonly" in the field's Additional Attributes area).
This field allows users to setup a Discount through Coupon Codes which can be found under Additional Attributes area. For example:
5%|DISCOUNT5 (which will give a 5% discount)
15|ANOTHERCODE (which will give a flat 15 discount). You can also use PHP code in here to generate your discount codes.
You can change the Total frontend display through the 'Total Price Mask' option located in the RSForm!Pro > Configuration > Payment tab. Use the following placeholders: {price} shows the price, {currency} shows the currency, {grandtotal} show the price with the tax included and {tax} shows the value of the tax. You don't need to use them all so you can always hardcode the values if you need to do so, eg. ${price}.